Hot Flash! - Menstrual Bleeding Mini Episode
Hot Flash!
A series of bonus mini episodes covering common, yet frequently overlooked or misunderstood, symptoms of perimenopause.
In this Hot Flash, we do a quick and dirty overview of one of the most serious perimenopausal symptoms - heavy menstrual flow. We define what constitutes too much bleeding, when to be concerned and what to do about it.
****IMPORTANT NOTE at about 8min and 10 seconds in I mention not taking iron at higher dose than 8 mg per day without monitoring - it sounds like I say 80mg but it’s 8(eight)! Truly, any iron supplementation outside of food sources should be monitored with lab testing to ensure proper dosing and prevent complication
Testing ferritin to evaluate iron stores:
Evidence for dosing iron every other day:
Iron IVs for treating iron deficiency: What to Know About Iron Infusions for Anemia Treatment - GoodRx
Dairy and heavy menses: What Dairy Does to Periods • Lara Briden - The Period Revolutionary
Slow Flow: (no affiliation)
Acupuncture case study: Acupuncture treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding in an adolescent - PMC (
Ibuprofen for heavy menses: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for heavy menstrual bleeding - PubMed (
Tranexemic acid for heavy menses:Tranexemic Acid (Lysteda) for Cyclic Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - STEPS - American Family Physician (
Guidelines for progesterone therapy and a review oftreatment options for heavy mense from CeCor: Very Heavy Menstrual Flow | The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (
Hormonal IUD for treatment of heavy menses: Reproductive Health Access Project | Contraceptive Pearl: Progestin IUD as Treatment for Menorrhagia - Reproductive Health Access Project (
Oral Birth Control - new brands with bioidentical estrogens for management of perimenopasual heavy menses: Natazia: Official patient website or About NEXTSTELLIS | NEXTSTELLIS®(drospirenone and estetrol tablets)
Uterine ablation: Uterine Ablation as a Treatment for Severe Menorrhagia – Naturopathic Doctor News and Review (
Myomectomy for fibroids: Myomectomy – Fibroid Treatment Collaborative
Sex after hysterectomy: Post Hysterectomy Sex: Your Guide To Sex After Hysterectomy (
Health impact of hysterectomy and age of menopause: What We Know about the Long-Term Risks of Hysterectomy for Benign Indication—A Systematic Review - PMC (